Online poker is a legal form of gambling that is currently available in a number of states. While some states have banned online poker entirely, others are considering legislation to regulate the industry. In the US, online poker operators must obtain licenses from state governments in order to operate legally. This means that only players from those states can play for real money. A player’s physical location is important to determine whether a site is regulated. Despite the legal issues surrounding online poker in the US, many sites are still fully legal in every state.
Although the rules of online poker are the same, players should consider that many of these sites have different traffic volumes. While there are over 600 independent doorways into online poker networks, there are only a handful of major networks that receive detectable traffic. In addition to offering different games, online poker sites offer a variety of promotions and bonuses. To help players make the most out of their experience, these sites also have a variety of special features to keep players coming back.
Once you’ve decided to play at an online poker site, you’ll need to set up an account. Most states have at least one poker operator, so it’s important to choose carefully. To start, choose one that meets your criteria and sign up for an account. Once you’ve chosen a site, you’ll need to enter your personal information, create a username, and secure your account. You’ll need to keep this information confidential.